
Systems World*


Lightnings Mk.1A, 111 Squadron, RAF Wattisham, 1964  - fitting refuelling probes

The world about us can be looked at in a variety of ways. One way is to see the world as made up from many interacting systems: weather, societal, economic, ecological, floral, faunal, tectonic plate, oceanic, and so on. This is very much a connected view of the world: nothing is isolated and totally independent; everything is part of something bigger, and everything comprises many interacting parts — subsystems.—

So, what can you find here? Well, there are a number of sections to the site, as you can see at the top of the page... but in brief, we have:

  1. Systems in all its many guises and situations: systems thinking, systems design, systems engineering, systems problem solving, world-class systems engineering, the management of complexity, etc., etc.
  2. Command & Control Systems - which came into public view with the Iraq war, but which have been of concern to the military since Napoleon - if not before! 
  3. Policing - particularly a systems view of policing in a democracy — both policing and command & control are concerned with conflict management — which has been exercising minds in Afghanistan and Syria recently...

Also dedicated to Systems are Prof's Stuff: Prof's Blog, where I am inclined to sound off about 'things,' Prof's Books and Prof's Videos— a set of thirteen video tutorials for students, covering pretty well all aspects of systems thinking, systems design, systems engineering, systems research, etc., etc. Each video is self contained, but—like any system—the parts are all interrelated, so each makes the most sense when viewed in the context of all the others.

Oh! And you can see my CV/resume, too. There is a selection of past papers and presentations, and there is an online book, Getting to Grips with Complexity... which introduces a new Law of Entropic Cycling, about complex systems behaviour. Interested? Of course you are… how could you not be? But, where to start?


Tornado over Weston-super-Mare?

* Click here for Prof"s Egypt Pages